Coders Tent

Syed Ashik Mahmud - Pro System Admin and Malware Cleaner

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How to find a folder in Linux using the command line

You can use find and locate commands in Linux to find folders and files from the command line. This page shows how to search for folders in Linux using various command line utilities.

Command to find a folder in Linux

find command – Search for files and folder in a directory hierarchy
locate command – Find files and folders by name using prebuilt database/index

How to find folder on Linux using find command

The syntax is:
find /where/to/look/up/ criteria action
find /folder/path/to/look/up/ criteria action
find /folder/path/ -name “folder-name-here”
find /search/path/ -name “folder-name-here” -print
find /search/path/ -name “folder-name-here” -ls
find /folder/ -name “pattern”
Finding a folder named Documents

Example : find /home -name “phlox-pro”

To find a folder named “Documents” in your home directory ($HOME i.e. /home/vivek/ home directory), run:
find $HOME -type d -name “Documents”

find ~ -type d -name “Documents”

find /home/vivek/ -type d -name “Documents”

How to search for case incentive folder names

You can force find command interpret upper and lowercase letters as being the same. For example match Documents, DOCUMENTS, DocuMEnts and so on by passing the -iname option:
find $HOME -type d -iname “Documents”

find ~ -type d -iname “Documents”

find /home/vivek/ -type d -iname “Documents”

How to to know SSH port on the cPanel server?

Steps to know SSH port of cPanel server –

1. Login to WHM with your login details.
2. Go to restart servicees.
3. Restart SSH server. Once service get restart you will get below information –
Waiting for “sshd” to restart ………waiting for “sshd” to initialize ………finished.
Service Status
sshd (/usr/sbin/sshd) running as root with PID 904715 (process table check method)
Startup Log
Starting sshd: [ OK ]
Log Messages
Apr 6 05:48:40 server sshd[904715]: Server listening on :: port 8872.
Apr 6 05:48:40 server sshd[904715]: Server listening on port 8872.
Apr 6 05:48:39 server sshd[4031]: Received signal 15; terminating.
sshd restarted successfully.
That’s it!

In the above output, you can see 8872 is the SSH port.

How to increase the PHP Max Input Vars

The PHP Max Input Vars is the maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function. To work properly with a modern WordPress theme set this value to 5000. Lower values can create problems such lost data in your Theme Options, Widgets disappear etc.

How to increase the PHP Max Input Vars

Like the other values above, you’ll need to access and modify either the php.ini or the .htaccess files. Most hosts won’t grant you full access to modify the PHP.ini file because it affects the whole server and all the websites hosted on it.Please contact your host first to find out if they can adjust it for you.

For advanced users who have their own server setups and full access to the php.ini file, please go ahead and try Method 1 first before the other method. For standard users, we encourage you to try Method 2 instead.

1. Method: edit the PHP.ini file

NOTE: many shared hosts prohibit you from having direct access to the PHP.ini file. Only do this method if you have direct access to your PHP.ini file or if you’re on your localhost.

  1. Locate your PHP.ini file. If you can’t find it, then you can create your own PHP.ini file in the root folder of your WordPress installation.
  2. If you find your existing PHP.ini, open the file and locate the following line of code (xx represents a number):max_input_vars = xx; And set it to your desired limit. For example, 5000.
  3. If you created your own PHP.ini file, then add the same code inside it:max_input_vars = 5000 Simply change the value to the recommended value. For example, 5000.
  4. Save your changes, and reboot your localhost or your server.

2. Method: edit the .HTACCESS file

NOTE: make sure to backup your .htaccess file before editing.

  1. Locate your .htaccess file which is usually in the root folder of your WordPress installation. If you can’t find it, it may be because it’s hidden. Here’s a tutorial for Windows and a tutorial for Mac on how to reveal hidden files on your computer.
  2. Open the .htaccess file with a text editor program (Notepad or TextEdit) and add the following line of code:php_value max_input_vars 5000. Simply change the value to the recommended value. For example, 300.
  3. Save the file and refresh your website.


This issue is less common, nowadays, but the issue can also occur due to a program called Suhosin which runs on your server. This is a known issue with WordPress and affects both the standard WordPress Menu System.

In most cases, the solution is as simple as asking your host to increase the max_vars variables in your php.ini. = 5000 
suhosin.request.max_vars = 5000  

Know Linux Name and Version

The procedure to find os name and version on Linux:

  1. Open the terminal application (bash shell)
  2. For remote server login using the ssh: ssh user@server-name
  3. Type any one of the following command to find os name and version in Linux:
    $cat /etc/os-release
    $lsb_release -a
  4. Type the following command to find Linux kernel version:
    $uname -r

/etc/issue file

Use more command/less command as follows:
$ cat /etc/issue
$ more /etc/issue
$ less /etc/issue

Getting help

You can also view the manual page on uname using the following command:
$ man hostnamectl
$ man uname
$ man cat

Transfer SSL certificate with cPanel/WHM

In this article, we are going to see how we can migrate SSL certificates from one server to another. Before we transfer, you should be aware of the components involved with SSL certificates and how it is stored. Let’s have a detailed look on it.

There will be a certificate file. It will have the extension (.crt). Also, there will be a key and it will have the extension (.key). There will also be a CA bundle. We need to copy the files to new server in order to migrate the SSL certificate.

Steps to transfer SSL certificate

1) Login to your WHM.

You could access the WHM with https://server.hostname.tld:2087. This will lead you to the home page of WHM interface.

Now locate the ‘SSL/TLS’ section in WHM and go to ‘SSL Storage Manager’ as shown in the figure.

You will be lead to the next page. There you could find the certificates and keys with the username. Please locate the certificate you wish to transfer.

2) Copy the key

Please refer to the attached screen shot for any clarification.

Now you need to copy the key and paste it on a text file. To view the full content, please click on the lens icon near the key. The key will be starting with —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– and will end up with —–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–.

3) Copy the Certificate

Now you need to copy the certificate. This also can be done from the previous window. Please click on the lens icon next to the certificate so that you would be able to view and copy the certificate.

Please copy and paste the certificate on a text file. The certificate will be starting with —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and ending with —–END CERTIFICATE—–.

Now you need to install the certificate on the new server. You could install it from the WHM interface and the cPanel interface.

4) Install the certificate on new server

To install the certificate from the WHM, please locate “Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain” under the “SSL/TLS”. Please refer to the screenshot below in case of any doubts.

You need to use the certificate and key copied and saved on the text files earlier. You also could install it from the cPanel interface. To see how to install SSL certificate from the cPanel interface, please follow the guide in the link below.

If you need any further assistance please contact Syed Ashik Mahmud

Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on Hostname in cPanel/WHM Server

The Let’s Encrypt allows you to install AutoSSL for the hostname. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Let’s Encrypt SSL to the hostname. Here are the steps to install the same on hostname.

Install Let’s Encrypt Auto SSL Provider.

Run the following command to install Let’s Encrypt provider.


Once you have installed Let’s Encrypt provider, change auto SSL provider to Let’s Encrypt from Comodo.

Login to WHM >> Manage AutoSSL.

Install Self-Signed Certificate to Hostname.

1) Login to WHM as a root user.

2) Go to “Service Configuration”.

3) Then select the following services and click on “Browse Certificate”.

Calendar, cPanel, WebDisk, Webmail, and WHM Services

Dovecot Mail Server

Exim (SMTP) Server

FTP Server

4) Select hostname and click on “Use Certificates”.

5) Then click on “Install”.

Replace Self Signed Certificates with Valid Let’s Encrypt Certificates.

Once you have installed the self-signed certificate, run the following command to check SSL certificates


The Self signed SSL certificates will be replaced with a valid Let’s Encrypt certificate while running above command.

Once it is completed, you can access WHM with the hostname https://hostname:2087

If you need any further assistance please contact Syed Ashik Mahmud

How to upgrade MySQL via WHM panel

After you upgrade MySQL, there is no supported way to downgrade to the previous version. There will be downtime of the MySQL service during the upgrade process. You should take a backup of the existing database system before you proceed.

In order to upgrade MySQL version from WHM panel, you have to login as root in your WHM and type in the search bar: MySQL.

You will see MySQL Upgrade in the Software section.

After you click on this tab you will be able to review the current version of the MySQL and select the next version, which is available to upgrade. In the screenshot below for example, you can see that the current database version – 5.5 – can be upgraded to 5.6. The screen lists all the important features in the latest version giving you an overview that should help you decide if upgrading the database is worthwhile or not. You should click “Next”

At the next screen the system warns you that you should take a backup of the existing database system. Second, it instructs you that there is no way to downgrade a MySQL database framework from a higher version two a lower one. If this is acceptable for you, you have to tick off two checkboxes indicating that you fully understand the risks of upgrading your database and click continue as shown below:

The next step is information about the upgrade of apache and PHP. Not all MySQL upgrades require them to be rebuilt. In this test example, the system recommends a partial upgrade without an Apache/PHP rebuild – If you upgrade from MySQL 5.5 or 5.6, you do not need to rebuild Apache because the client libraries are compatible.

Once you have choose the proper option for you, you should click on continue and the process will begin. This can take quite a while. All the while, you can check the output in the box below to see the progress.

When the upgrade is done you will see a screen like the image below:

Source :

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