Syed Ashik Mahmud - Pro System Admin and Malware Cleaner

Category: WHM SSH

How to check Inode usage from cPanel and Command line?

Check from SSH Login.

Login to the server using ssh command.

Ensure that you are at the home directory with the following command.

cd ~

Following is the command to check the total Inodes on your server.

find . | wc -l

Hit the following command if you are looking to view the inode values directory wise.

find . -printf “%h\n” | cut -d/ -f-2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn

How to activate and using plugins with webmail in WHM

In order to enable/disable any of these plugins, you need to add/remove each plugin’s name to/from Roundcube’s configuration file. Here is how it’s done: (For demonstration we will enable the “password” plugin)

1- Open the main config file:

vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/config/

2- Find this configuration option:

$config[‘plugins’] = array(‘cpanellogin’,’cpanellogout’,’archive’,’calendar’, ‘return_to_webmail’,’carddav’);

3- Add the name of the plugin that you wish to enable to the array above:

$config[‘plugins’] = array(‘cpanellogin’,’cpanellogout’,’archive’,’calendar’, ‘return_to_webmail’,’carddav’,’password’);

4- Save and exit the file

5- Reload Dovecot:


Change it :


$rcmail_config[‘zipdownload_attachments’] = 1;
// Zip entire folders
$rcmail_config[‘zipdownload_folder’] = true;
// Zip selection of messages
$rcmail_config[‘zipdownload_selection’] = true;

How to Backup and Restore cPanel Accounts via SSH

Creating a cPanel Backup via SSH

To create a backup of your individual cPanel account using SSH, just follow these steps:

  1. First, log in to SSH as the Root user.
  2. Next, enter the following command string on the command line interface:

    /scripts/pkgacct username

  3. A backup of your account will be created and stored in the directory you are currently in.


Restoring a cPanel Backup via SSH

To restore a previously created backup of your cPanel account, just follow these steps:

  1. First, if you haven’t already, log in to SSH as the Root user.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing your backup file. *Note: In order to restore your data, you must be in the correct directory.
  3. Next, to restore your cPanel backup, enter the following command into the command line:

    /scripts/restorepkg username

And there you have it!

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