Maldet is a malware detector and scanner for Linux based servers a project designed by R-fx networks project. It can be installed on shared hosting servers like cPanel WHM and linux plesk servers which works along with Clamav tool.

1. Download & Install Maldet –

cd /usr/local/src
tar -xzvf maldetect-current.tar.gz

2. Go to the maldetect directory and run the installer script ‘’ as root:

cd maldetect-1.5

3. Next, make a symlink to the maldet command in the /bin/ directory.

ln -s /usr/local/maldetect/maldet /bin/maldet
hash -r

4. Configure Maldet, Install Nano editor if its not installed ( yum install nano ) –

cd /usr/local/maldetect/
nano conf.maldet

5. Enable email alert by changing the value to ‘1’.


6. Set your email address .

email_addr=”[email protected]

We will use the ClamAV clamscan binary as default scan engine because it provides a high-performance scan on large file sets. If its not installed you can install it using ( yum -y install clamav clamav-devel ) then update using ( freshclam ) command.

7. Change value to ‘1’ on line 114 – scan_clamscan=”1″

8. Next, enable quarantining to move malware to the quarantine automatically during the scan process. Change value to ‘1’ on line 180 – quarantine_hits=”1″

9. Change value to 1 on line 185 to enable clean based malware injections – quarantine_clean=”1″

10. Save and exit.

Use Real-Time Monitoring with Maldet for active monitoring.

The inotify monitoring feature is designed to monitor paths/users in real-time for file creation/modify/move operations. This option requires a kernel that supports inotify_watch (CONFIG_INOTIFY) which is found in kernels 2.6.13+ and CentOS/RHEL 5 by default.

There are three modes that the monitor can be executed with and they relate to what will be monitored, they are USERS|PATHS|FILES.
e.g: maldet –monitor users
e.g: maldet –monitor /root/monitor_paths
e.g: maldet –monitor /home/mike,/home/ashton

Only find PHP files on an account

maldet –include-regex “.*.php$” -a /home/pronyxco/public_html

Full account
maldet –include-regex “.*.php$” -a /home/?/public_html

maldet -a /home/?

Reference :

How to install Linux Malware Detect

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